Episode Twenty-Six: Prom: Scene 3

I didn’t have to contact Charles Sarlac. He called me. Asked me to lunch at a more expensive place than I would have chosen, on a Saturday.

“How much more school do you have?”

I mentally counted. “A couple of months. I graduate this summer.”

“And you’re going to model full time?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Maybe take some design classes.”

His lips quirked. “And keep fighting bad guys.”

I looked down.

“Turns out there’s more of this stuff than I knew, a lot more.” His face was thoughtful. “Do you know what she wanted?”

“She wanted to get somebody a contract as part of a deal.”

“So, as mundane as money.” He studied me. “What are you?”

I considered my answer for a moment. “I’m not quite sure you’re ready for the truth.”

He laughed. “Letting me head for the deep end at a reasonable pace, then?”

“That’s the plan. Honestly, I’d rather not involve you, but once somebody starts believing, it’s too late.”

A slight nod. “Then, what can I do for you in return for saving my nephew, not to mention me?”

I considered that, then, “Keep your integrity. I don’t need anything from you. Except maybe…” A pause. “I might ask if you can swing me an invite to some parties. If I’m looking for information.”

He grinned. “I can do that even if you just want an excuse. Or to enhance your career.”

“I don’t want to…” A pause. “I don’t want anything for me. I don’t need money, I have a girlfriend, and…”

“Fair enough. I’d imagine your career doesn’t need that much help either. You’re maybe a little curvy for catwalk work, but…”

I trusted that his assessment was purely aesthetic. I might not have agreed to this if it hadn’t been for what Seb had explained about him. “That’s what I’ve been told. But a girl can make a pretty decent living from catalogue shoots and the like.”

“And then when you start to get too old you can switch to design. You’ve got a better plan than most girls in your situation.”

I wasn’t going to get too old. I didn’t tell him that. “Right. I haven’t really tried designing, but it intrigues me, and I know I have an eye for color.”

“Well. You say you don’t want anything for you and I respect that. Is there anything else I can keep an eye on?”

“Just let me know if you bump into anything supernatural.”

“Protector of DC, eh?”

I shrugged. “Protector of the people I care about. Sometimes it amounts to the same thing.”

Sometimes it did.

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