Episode Thirteen: Hunted: Scene 7

I heard the sounds of a commotion from an innocent person’s yard, and was reminded of the vampires.
Said innocent person opened the curtains, then rapidly closed them again. I was glad of that. They wouldn’t see anything, I hoped.

The commotion? Kanesha doing her best to beat up a couple of guys with her hands, quite literally, tied behind her back.

I didn’t bother drawing the sword, but rushed in fists first. Probably because I didn’t want the innocent person to see me with a blade.
“What took you so long?”

“Blame the fyrhund. He’s curled up somewhere in Muspelheim and wouldn’t help. You need to be more self-rescuing!”

“Get these off me and I’ll show you self-rescuing!”

The thugs had actually dropped back slightly, startled by our banter. Well, except for the one I’d just kicked in the groin. He wasn’t doing much of anything.

“Why did you take her?” I demanded.

“Good money.”

“You’re going to tell me who your employer is. Before the police get here.”

The thug spat in my general direction. “I’m dead if I tell you.”

“You’re dead if you don’t. Can always tell them I beat it out of you.” I cracked my knuckles in a display of willingness to do just that.

“Get these things OFF me,” Kanesha complained.

I moved over to her, but one of the thugs tried to jump me. It was too sad – I was pretty much forced to knock him out with my elbow.

Then I saw and…I was not going to laugh. They’d handcuffed her with cuffs they’d bought at a sex shop. They were pink. And fluffy. “Oh gods, Kanesha. I’m keeping these as a souvenir.”

Assuming I could get them off in one piece. Nope. I had to break the bands, but I was still keeping them. Seeing that display, the remaining thugs ran.

“Souvenir my…”

I just showed her the broken pieces. “Why couldn’t they get regular cuffs?”

“I don’t know. Maybe one of them borrowed them from his girlfriend?”

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. “Did they hurt you?”

“Not physically. Apparently they were under strict instructions to keep me in one piece and keep me on the move.”

“Which means you weren’t bait. I just hadn’t received the ransom demand yet.”

“Maybe they’ll still send it.”

I laughed. Then I hugged her. I was a little bit worried about that not physically, but she was okay. That was all that mattered.

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