Episode Twenty-Seven: Dwarves: Scene 2

“You’re handing her off to me?”

I smiled. “You’re the only person in this room I honestly fully trust not to cop a feel.”

Sarlac laughed.

“And, besides, I think you and she might have some things to talk about.” And I left, Kanesha falling in next to me.

“That was mean.”

“She only scratched the guy because he was sexually harassing her, and that’s perfectly reasonable for anyone to do, werewolf or not.”

“I thought you didn’t sense anything.”

I shrugged. “I didn’t sense any threats. She’s just a wolf.” Not harmless, no, but certainly not evil.

No more inherently evil or good than any human being.

“Good point. Poor Sarlac, though. He’s going to regret inviting us.”

I realized I’d lost my drink at some point in all that, not to mention my plate of food, and went to replace both.

I tried to keep one eye on the guy who’d set off the werewolf, mind, in case he tried anything with me or Kanesha. I’d lost him in the crowd, though.

Not for long, as I heard another raised female voice go “Hands off.”

I glanced at Kanesha. “Hold my food. There have to be bouncers around here somewhere.”

She grinned. “Why not toss him yourself?”

“Because I don’t want to be bounced.”

They’d already “repaired” the table, or possibly very quietly replaced it. I found security near the door. “Hey, we got a problem.”


“Guy with a case of Roman hands, probably had one too many.” I spotted him again, pointing him out.

“Oh, him again.” The security guy groaned. “I’ll deal with him. He needs to stop at two drinks.”

Bar-sexual, then, I thought with dark amusement. “If these were my parties I’d stop inviting him.”

“This is the second time. I doubt he’ll be back.”

So, he’d used up his chances. Satisfied the situation would be dealt with, I headed back to Kanesha’s side.


“Security’s dealing with him, see.”

“Good. I hope he wouldn’t go for us, but…I don’t think I could resist putting him on the floor if he did.”

“I wouldn’t stop you,” I said, wryly. “He deserves it.”

“I can’t believe he tried it again after being scratched.”

“He’s drunk,” I noted. “Security implied he doesn’t know his limits.”

“Drunk man’s actions…”

“…sober man’s thoughts,” I finished for her. “But still. He should learn his limits. Thoughts don’t hurt anyone but the person having them.”

Kanesha seemed to consider that for a moment. “Unless there’s a telepath around.”

“I don’t know anyone with that particular talent, thankfully.” It certainly wasn’t one I’d want.

“Or unless you’re talking about Hunin,” she quipped. “He has talons.”

I laughed out loud at that. “Thanks, Kanesha.”

No ravens at the party, of course. Unless they were very well designed. Even with the incident, though, it had made me forget about Monica for a few hours.

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