Episode Eighteen: Tricksters: Scene 11

There were two of them – a man and a woman. I turned to Monica. “Does this place have a back door?”

“I think so.”

“Use it. Now.”

I glanced at the fire giants. They probably weren’t here to attack me. Surtur was, pun intended, turning up the heat.

“What’s going on?”
“What’s going on is there are two people in the room who…”

I suddenly felt the sense of wings. “Never mind. You might be okay.”


But they were already halfway to the table. One of them lifted a hand in a ‘no weapons’ gesture.

I pushed out a chair for him. “Join us, then.”

They glanced at Monica.

“I wouldn’t if I were you.”

The woman narrowed her eyes, then produced a soft ‘huh.’ It was the man, though, who spoke. “This is private.”

“I’d rather have a witness. Especially as somebody’s tried to kill me once this week already.”

They glanced at each other uncomfortably.

“Would you maybe work for that somebody? Because if so, tell her that as far as I’m concerned she can have him.”

Monica’s eyebrows elevated. “You have another stalker?”

I shrugged. “What can I say? I’m popular with men who don’t like to take no for an answer.”

“We know that. Now.”

“You might have found it out before trying to kill me. I might have been a lot more inclined to work with you.”

Except, that marrying Surtur to some giantess helped me. It didn’t help the overall situation. It might discourage him from starting the war for a little bit. But…it might be progress.

“We’ll work on getting Surtur off your back if you’ll…” He considered for a moment. “Consider carefully who’s side you’re really on.”

I shook my head. “I know who’s side I’m on. Mine. No deal. I’m not going to let you catch me any place you can do me real harm.”

They glanced at each other.

“Forgot that little detail, didn’t you?” And I realized something else. By exiling me, Odin was also protecting me. As long as I was here, they couldn’t permanently harm me.

And even if they occasionally forgot…I shuddered at the thought…if I reminded them, maybe they’d…

…go after Kanesha instead. I frowned a little bit. But I figured…

“Alright. We won’t go after you…or your mortal friends…for now. I don’t make any promises about the valkyrie.”

I grinned. “Neither do I.” Thruor could look after herself.

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