Truth is, I thought I could escape easily. After all, he had given me back my weapons, he didn’t have me tied up or locked up or anything. But when I went out on deck, we weren’t on the Potomac any more.
I don’t know where we actually were. It seemed to be the shore of a lake, but I saw no sign of human habitation. Jumping off and swimming ashore would probably trap me somewhere in the spirit world…I was sure we weren’t, as it were, in Kansas any more.
No yellow brick road, either. I was more worried about Kanesha’s reaction than my dad’s. She’d worry and possibly do something stupid.
But rather than try and escape through an unfamiliar place belonging to a different pantheon, I decided it was better to try and trick my way out of the situation. Besides, that might get his respect.
“You were easy to catch.”
“I knew it was a trap. Figured I could spring it.” I looked out at the countryside. “Honestly, I thought it was some mundanes who’ve been causing trouble for me. They think I’m going to start Ragnarok.”
Coyote laughed. He wasn’t even pretending it was a human sound. “Oh dear me.”
“Well, I’m tied up in it somehow.”
“Of course you are. Loki’s only living child that isn’t a monster. Not that Hel’s really a monster except in appearance, but there you have it.”
I couldn’t help but grin. “Besides. She’s busy.”
“That she is.”
“Ragnarok, though. I mean…” I tailed off. “Does it affect you?”
That laugh again. “Not particularly. Well, I mean, if mortals are caught up in it, it might. There’s a few I like.”
“If Surtur has his way there won’t be many mortals left.”
Coyote dipped his snout…he really wasn’t pretending to be human any more. “Then why not kill him?”
“Honestly, I have seriously considered…” I paused. “…accepting his offer and then stabbing him in the wedding bed. But if it didn’t work…”
“If it didn’t work he’d find some way to control you forever.”
I nodded. “And in a fair fight, I can’t take him.”
“Then make it an unfair fight.” He put a furred hand on my wrist. “I don’t plan on keeping you long, and there’s more of a point than annoying your dad.”
“What did he do anyway? Pull your tail?”
“He tricked a shaman into opening a gate into the spirit world, found my lodge and…redecorated.”
I laughed hard enough to almost fall off the boat. “I…no, I do want to know. Well, unless it involved dick pics.”
“It didn’t. It did involve rather a lot of pink.”
“Thor in a dress,” I joke-swore. “Let me guess. And also lace. And also frilliness.”
Coyote shuddered slightly. “So…let’s deal with the other reason I brought you here and then maybe I can talk you into helping me get some revenge.”
I grinned. “Unfortunately, he likes pink.” I was still laughing inside, though. But mystified as to what Coyote wanted.